Hidden amongst the ‘flags’ section of Chrome on OS X is a feature that few people seem to use: Exposé for Tabs.

As the name might imply to anyone familiar with Apple’s desktop OS, the feature offers Mac users a quick way to view all open tabs on screen at the same time.

Calling up the overview takes a 3 finger swipe down on a Magic/Macbook trackpad while holding the Alt key.

Screen Shot 2013-09-05 at 14.10.09

Clicking on a tab thumbnail switches straight to that tab, while hovering over a tab thumbnail will reveal a close button.

The feature has been in chrome for ages, first appearing as far back as Chrome 9! Looks and feature wise it’s still pretty much the same.

If you want to try it out just type “chrome:flags” into the Chrome omnibox and hit the ‘Enable’ button under ‘Tab Overview’.

Google Chrome How To mac overview mode tab overview