google keep chrome collaborateHelping you keep on top of your to-dos, there’s a freshly pressed version of Google Keep now rolling out on the Chrome Web Store (and on the web and on Android).

Building on the Material Design tweaks added over the past few weeks, the latest Google Keep update introduces a new collaboration feature.

You can now rope in others to work on those to-dos, tasks and other organisational activities. To share, click the new ‘+People’ emblem in the tool strip beneath each note.

Keep has also souped up its search feature. You can now – finally – search for and filter your notes and to-dos based on assigned color, sharing state, whether they have a reminder set or contain a checklist or image.

keep filter by color

All very handy improvements to one of the standout offline-enabled Chrome Apps. Sadly, the changes do mean you’ll now need to think of better excuses for forgetting a task than “It slipped my mind”!

Google Keep for Chrome is a free app available for Chrome OS, Windows, Mac & Linux. Find it on the Chrome Web Store.

Google Keep on the Chrome Web Store

Chrome Apps google keep