
‘Read it Later’ service Pocket has launched a new Chrome app that allows articles saved to it to be read both online and offline.

Articles and images added to your Pocket account can be synced with the app for viewing offline on any desktop running Google Chrome.

As well as providing a web-interface the service can also be accessed through various mobiles and tablet apps and a desktop app on OS X. But by creating a Chrome ‘packaged app’ Pocket are making their service available to even more people, including those with poor internet connections.


Pocket for Chrome offers a number of features, including:

  • Offline reading
  • Tagging & Starring of items
  • Tiles or list view
  • Social network sharing
  • Font resizing and styling
  • “In app” browser view

Whilst you can’t add articles to it from the app itself, a Chrome extension and bookmarklet are available, letting you quickly add articles to Pocket when browsing the web.

Pocket for Chrome is a free application, though will require a free Pocket account to be of use.

Pocket App for Google Chrome

Chrome Apps Google Chrome bookmarking packaged apps pocket